In this website, you will have an overview of the services we provide.


With the emerging of 3D printing technologies, and the combination with other technologies, we developped skills to propose solutions of parts repair and replacement, design, prototyping & molding, that have application in lots of different sectors.


But you might ask yourself what means the motto "from Ether to Matter" ?

Ether refers to a concept of physics, on which Einstein worked, that was quite controversial, and that describes a fundamental field, or subtle energetic fabric from which all the material world emerges. in recent physics advances and quantum physics, this concept comes again forward and seems to be proven.

I refer to this term, making the analogy with our thoughts, ideas and mental conceptions, that are always at the beginning of any physical result or product.

Thus, the services I propose, helps you to materialize, your intangible ideas into tangible physical results !

 About the founder





I am a creative with a mechanical engineering background and have been working in fluid mechanics & energy research, and in the energy services business as entrepreneur.

Passionate from gliding, modelling, mountains and creative design & construction, I am active since 30 years in the design and building of radio-controlled flying models, which gave me different skills, complementary to my engineering skills. I would like to offer it you, in several forms that you will discover on this website.

I'll do my best to serve and satisfy you as best as I can !

May I help your projects to go from Ether to Matter !!


 Contact Us ! 


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CH - 6317 Oberwil bei Zug

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 0041 / 76 328 09 32